Monday, August 15, 2011

Nuzlocke Diamond run! part 2

I'm now in Jubilife City where I met a strange man promoting watches, he told me to get three coupons from three clowns and then get back to him. I found coupon # 2,3,1 in that order, I talked to the man and got a free watch! I love getting free stuff! Before I left town I thought of checking out the condos, and on the first floor was this cute little girl, she gave me some free stuff ... OMFG! AWESOME! Some people are idiots heeheeeheee. I ended up going to the west exit and met this fishermen guy who gave me a Old fishing rod, man people have junk these days but I took it off his hands.

While exiting the east exit I met Ninj... who wanted to battle he battle me with his Starly and Chimchar, which I defeated with Brian and Duff. After I walked in tall grass I met a Starly, first encounter on route 203 it's my first and last chance to catch him! And so I end this blog after a little bit of training.

Brian: Turtwig lv 10
Duff: Bidoof lv 10
Horton: Starly lv 10

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